Gear Aid Fast Wrap

Keep gear organized and secure with these lightweight and adjustable straps. The convenient cinch-and-stick with a D-ring mechanism makes for easy adjustment and trustworthy security. Perfect for camping, backpacking, hunting, or gear organization, these multifunctional wraps come in a variety of lengths to fit your gear needs. Available in a pair and lengths 12”, 18”, and 24”.

Description RRP
30 cm (12") $10.99
45 cm (18") $11.99
60 cm (24") $12.99
  • Keep gear tidy and organised with these multifunctional wraps
  • Overlapping hook and loop closure quickly secures loose items and gear
  • Perfect for camping, backpacking, biking, hunting or gear organisation
  • Diameter range from 3.5" to 7.5" depending on length
  • Available in 12", 18", and 24" lengths
Material Nylon
Strap width 3/4"
Available lengths 12" / 0.3 m, 18" / 0.45 m, 24" / 0.6 m
Weight per strap 12" / 0.1 oz, 18" / 0.15 oz, 24" / 0.2 oz
Colour Black
Comes in Pair