Leatherman Surge
The Surge is essentially a bigger, heavier-duty version of the very popular Wave tool, especially great for those who use the saw and file often. Built with strong jaws the Surge delivers more squeezing force with less effort, helping you to cut stronger hard & regular wire.
The blade exchanger lets you choose between a saw or a diamond & wood/metal file and lets you easily replace these tools when they are worn out. The 154CM wire cutters are replaceable, meaning you can repair or re-sharpen them on the spot. The blade exchanger, two knives & extra-strong scissors are easily accessed from the outside of the tool. Inside the sculpted handles are two-bit drivers, a hollow ground screwdriver, bottle/can opener & a awl with a thread loop.
Available with a nylon belt loop sheath. Covered by Leatherman's 25-year warranty.
Available accessories: Lanyard Ring & Pocket Clip set, Leather Box 4.5" Sheath XL, MOLLE XL Sheath, Bit Kit (42 pce) and Bit Driver Extender.